Q: How can a breeder expand an in-home breeding business without increasing the number of Corgis in their house?
A: Build outdoor kennels
B: Trade in old dogs for young dogs
C: Give up dream of saving Pembrokes Tails
D: Buy someone else a Corgi!
Ding! Ding! Ding! The answer is D!
That’s the premise of a Guardian Home. Breeder’s dogs are getting older. Breeder buys a puppy. Puppy lives with someone else. When old enough, breeder and guardian coordinate breeding activities. Breeder raises litters of puppies. When dog turns 6 years old, ownership transfers to guardian.
All the details are negotiated between the Guardian and the Breeder and written in a contract. Guardian home must be within an hour and a half of Columbia, MD and not planning to move in the next 6 years.